Building bespoke full stack, end-to-end, software solutions.
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Meet your business challenges head on with cloud computing.
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Measure data from anywhere and anything, and view it from any device.
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Digitize business processes to be maximize efficiency.
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We develop custom software for web, desktop and mobile applications.


Thinking of moving to the cloud? Let us help you migrate your existing applications or develop your new applications to leverage the benefits of cloud services.


Oriontech scalable digital transformation services that outpace the speed of disruption. Let’s shape your unique, innovative digital path together. Talk to our experts today!


Hardware to software we can do it. Need to integrate into other systems no problem. IOT is what we do!

Quality development to transform your business.

Join us on an exciting digital journey and see all your systems, processes, machinery become truly interconnected and interoperable. Get a single view of your entire business ecosystem and benefit from smarter data, smarter decisions and smarter results with OrionTech.

What we do

We work with our clients to deliver customized solutions that put the right, growth-focused data in your hands.


We listen to our clients needs to fully understand the unique challenge they face and the problems they need solving.


We analyze the main concerns and limitations to plot out potential solutions.

Find a Solution

We compile a thought-out, custom solution along with a proposed plan to implement that solution.


Our team walk with our clients through every step of the implementation journey.

Test & Deliver

We quality test the solution an ensure that the initially defined problems have been solved to our clients satisfaction.


What our clients say about us

Oriontech has enhanced the productivity of our furnace operations by efficiently organizing existing data so that is it can inform the right people at the right time. The presentation of the data has taken the guess work for the operators out of the operation and made the data clear, understandable and accessible.

Kobus Sutherland

Production Manager Transalloys

Oriontech has provided in-depth solutions to our industry problems using state of the art software trends and has left our customers with a competitive edge in their field of expertise.

Tenova Pyromet

A Few of Our Clients

We work with clients across a wide range of industries.

our Partners

We partner with specialist companies.

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